Please support the SLHS Choir by joining the Choir Booster Club for 2023-2024 at one of the following levels:
White - $40
Booster Club voting privileges
Your name honored in all concert programs
Blue - $60
All White membership benefits
+Choir car decal (with or without student name)
+Graduating senior students at this level and higher are eligible to apply for Booster Club Scholarship opportunities. If you have more than 1 graduating senior in choir, join at Orange level or higher.
+Student “Shout Out” included in all pre-concert slide shows
Orange - $100 ($120 if you have multiple graduating seniors who want to apply for scholarships)
All previous level benefits
+"Shout Out" upgraded to 1/4 page message (text only) in all pre-concert slide shows
Silver - $200
All previous level benefits
+1/4 page message is upgraded to 1/2 page message, and can include a picture in pre-concert slide shows.
+1 Complimentary ticket to all Coffee House performances
Gold - $400
All previous level benefits
Full page picture(s)/message slide included on all pre-concert slide shows (upgraded from Silver 1/2 page)
+1 Banquet Ticket
+1 additional complimentary ticket to all Coffee Houses (2 total)
+2 Complimentary tickets (total) to use at fall Sensations shows
+4 Reserved seats at all concerts
Platinum - $600
All previous level benefits
+3 complimentary parent (or other adult guest) meals at year-end choir banquet
+2 additional complimentary tickets to all Coffee Houses (4 total)
+2 additional complimentary tickets to use at fall Sensations shows (4 total)
We are a 501(c)3 organization, so your membership dues (minus the complimentary tickets) are tax deductible.
**Note for Class of 2024 Parents: In order for your senior to be eligible to apply for a choir scholarship, the student must have a choir booster club membership level of Blue or higher associated with them no later than the day of the Fall Concert in October.