Sensations is a small ensemble of men and women that specialize in pop and jazz literature with choreography. This group also performs select chamber music. Members of this group participate in the Fall Sensations Show and also compete in the Madrigal and Chamber Choir Competition in San Antonio, TX. Sensations is active throughout the year with many performances both at school and in the community. To participate in this ensemble, a student must be enrolled in two choir classes: Chorale and Sensations.
Chorale is the varsity mixed choir. Singers in this choir are advanced musicians who have a developed vocal tone, strong sight-reading abilities and a good academic record. Chorale competes at UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest and also participates in the SLHS Chorale Spring Performance Tour. Students in this choir are required to participate in the Texas All-State Choir Audition Process and are strongly encouraged to enter the UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest. Singers are required to attend rehearsals on Monday evenings from 6pm to 8:00pm throughout the school year. Chorale members sing the national anthem at all home football games.
The Statesmen is comprised of young men who will focus on sight-reading and vocal singing technique throughout the school year. No audition is required for membership in this ensemble. Students are required to participate in UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest and are encouraged to participate in UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest.
Cantiamo is an auditioned ensemble that features women’s voices. Students in this choir display a well-developed vocal production, proficiency in sight-reading, and a good academic record. Students are required to participate in UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest and are encouraged to participate in UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest and the All-State audition process.
Bel Canto is comprised of young women who will focus on vocal tone and sight reading throughout the school year. No audition is required for participation in this ensemble. Students are required to participate in UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest and may choose to participate in UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest.